CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 16
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 16 (1997-10-16)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-11].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* gdevpdfm.c */
/* pdfmark processing for PDF-writing driver */
#include "memory_.h"
#include "string_.h"
#include "gx.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gsutil.h" /* for bytes_compare */
#include "gdevpdfx.h"
#include "scanchar.h"
/* GC descriptors */
* The pdfmark pseudo-parameter indicates the occurrence of a pdfmark
* operator in the input file. Its "value" is the arguments of the operator,
* passed through essentially unchanged:
* (key, value)*, CTM, type
* Define the pdfmark types we know about.
#define pdfmark_proc(proc)\
int proc(P4(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,\
const gs_matrix *pctm))
typedef struct pdfmark_name_s {
const char *mname;
} pdfmark_name;
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_ANN);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_LNK);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_OUT);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_ARTICLE);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_DEST);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_PS);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_PAGES);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_PAGE);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_DOCINFO);
private pdfmark_proc(pdfmark_DOCVIEW);
private const pdfmark_name mark_names[] = {
{ "ANN", pdfmark_ANN },
{ "LNK", pdfmark_LNK },
{ "OUT", pdfmark_OUT },
{ "ARTICLE", pdfmark_ARTICLE },
{ "DEST", pdfmark_DEST },
{ "PS", pdfmark_PS },
{ "PAGES", pdfmark_PAGES },
{ "PAGE", pdfmark_PAGE },
{ "DOCINFO", pdfmark_DOCINFO },
{ "DOCVIEW", pdfmark_DOCVIEW },
{ 0, 0 }
/* Compare a C string and a gs_param_string. */
pdf_key_eq(const gs_param_string *pcs, const char *str)
{ return (strlen(str) == pcs->size &&
!strncmp(str, (const char *)pcs->data, pcs->size));
/* Process a pdfmark. */
pdfmark_process(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string_array *pma)
{ const gs_param_string *pts = &pma->data[pma->size - 1];
gs_matrix ctm;
int i;
if ( pma->size & 1 ||
sscanf((const char *)pts[-1].data, "[%g %g %g %g %g %g]",
&ctm.xx, &ctm.xy, &ctm.yx, &ctm.yy, &ctm.tx, &ctm.ty) != 6
gs_matrix_scale(&ctm, 1.0 / pdev->scale.x, 1.0 / pdev->scale.y, &ctm);
ctm.tx /= pdev->scale.x;
ctm.ty /= pdev->scale.y;
for ( i = 0; mark_names[i].mname != 0; ++i )
if ( pdf_key_eq(pts, mark_names[i].mname) )
return (*mark_names[i].proc)(pdev, pma->data, pma->size - 2, &ctm);
return 0;
/* Find a key in a dictionary. */
private bool
pdfmark_find_key(const char *key, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
gs_param_string *pstr)
{ uint i;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i += 2 )
if ( pdf_key_eq(&pairs[i], key) )
{ *pstr = pairs[i + 1];
return true;
pstr->data = 0;
pstr->size = 0;
return false;
/* Get the ID for a page referenced by number or as /Next or /Prev. */
/* The result may be 0 if the page number is 0 or invalid. */
private long
pdfmark_page_id(gx_device_pdf *pdev, int *ppage, const gs_param_string *pnstr)
{ int page = pdev->next_page + 1;
if ( pnstr->data == 0 )
else if ( pdf_key_eq(pnstr, "/Next") )
else if ( pdf_key_eq(pnstr, "/Prev") )
else if ( sscanf((const char *)pnstr->data, "%d", &page) != 1 ) /****** WRONG, assumes null terminator ******/
page = 0;
*ppage = page;
return pdf_page_id(pdev, page);
/* Construct a destination string specified by /Page and/or /View. */
/* Return 0 if none (but still fill in a default), 1 if present, */
/* <0 if error. */
private int
pdfmark_make_dest(char dstr[max_dest_string], gx_device_pdf *pdev,
const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count)
{ gs_param_string page_string, view_string;
int page;
bool present =
pdfmark_find_key("Page", pairs, count, &page_string) |
pdfmark_find_key("View", pairs, count, &view_string);
long page_id = pdfmark_page_id(pdev, &page, &page_string);
int len;
if ( view_string.size == 0 )
param_string_from_string(view_string, "[/XYZ 0 0 1]");
if ( page_id == 0 )
strcpy(dstr, "[null ");
sprintf(dstr, "[%ld 0 R ", page_id);
len = strlen(dstr);
if ( len + view_string.size > max_dest_string )
if ( view_string.data[0] != '[' ||
view_string.data[view_string.size - 1] != ']'
memcpy(dstr + len, view_string.data + 1, view_string.size - 1);
dstr[len + view_string.size - 1] = 0;
return present;
/* Write pairs for a dictionary. */
private void
pdfmark_write_pair(stream *s, const gs_param_string *pair)
{ pputc(s, '/');
pwrite(s, pair->data, pair->size);
pputc(s, ' ');
pwrite(s, pair[1].data, pair[1].size);
pputc(s, '\n');
/* Scan a Rect value. */
private int
pdfmark_scan_rect(gs_rect *prect, const gs_param_string *str,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ uint size = str->size;
double v[4];
#define max_rect_string_size 100
char chars[max_rect_string_size + 3];
int end_check;
if ( str->size > max_rect_string_size )
memcpy(chars, str->data, size);
strcpy(chars + size, " 0");
if ( sscanf(chars, "[%lg %lg %lg %lg]%d",
&v[0], &v[1], &v[2], &v[3], &end_check) != 5
gs_point_transform(v[0], v[1], pctm, &prect->p);
gs_point_transform(v[2], v[3], pctm, &prect->q);
return 0;
/* Write a Rect value. */
private void
pdfmark_write_rect(stream *s, const char *key, const gs_rect *prect)
{ pprints1(s, "/%s ", key);
pprintg4(s, "[%g %g %g %g]\n",
prect->p.x, prect->p.y, prect->q.x, prect->q.y);
/* Copy an annotation dictionary. */
private int
pdfmark_annot(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm, const char *subtype)
{ stream *s = pdev->strm;
pdf_resource *pres;
int code = pdf_begin_aside(pdev, &pdev->annots, NULL, &pres);
bool subtype_present = false;
bool add_dest = false;
bool dest_present = false;
uint i;
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pres->rid = pdev->next_page;
pputs(s, "<< /Type /Annot\n");
for ( i = 0; i < count; i += 2 )
{ const gs_param_string *pair = &pairs[i];
long src_pg;
if ( pdf_key_eq(pair, "SrcPg") &&
sscanf((const char *)pair[1].data, "%ld", &src_pg) == 1
pres->rid = src_pg - 1;
else if ( pdf_key_eq(pair, "Page") || pdf_key_eq(pair, "View") )
add_dest = true;
* For some unfathomable reason, PDF requires /A instead of
* /Action, and /S instead of /Subtype in the Action dictionary.
* Handle this here.
else if ( pdf_key_eq(pair, "Action") )
{ const byte *astr = pair[1].data;
const uint asize = pair[1].size;
uint i;
pputs(s, "/A ");
/* Search for the next occurrence of /Subtype. */
for ( i = 0; i < asize; ++i )
if ( asize - i > 8 && !memcmp(astr + i, "/Subtype", 8) &&
scan_char_decoder[astr[i + 8]] > ctype_name
{ pputs(s, "/S");
i += 7;
pputc(s, astr[i]);
pputc(s, '\n');
else if ( pdf_key_eq(pair, "Rect") )
{ gs_rect rect;
code = pdfmark_scan_rect(&rect, pair + 1, pctm);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pdfmark_write_rect(s, "Rect", &rect);
{ pdfmark_write_pair(s, pair);
if ( pdf_key_eq(pair, "Dest") )
dest_present = true;
else if ( pdf_key_eq(pair, "Subtype") )
subtype_present = true;
if ( add_dest && !dest_present )
{ char dest[max_dest_string];
int code = pdfmark_make_dest(dest, pdev, pairs, count);
if ( code >= 0 )
pprints1(s, "/Dest %s\n", dest);
if ( !subtype_present )
pprints1(s, "/Subtype /%s ", subtype);
pputs(s, ">>\n");
return 0;
/* ANN pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_ANN(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ return pdfmark_annot(pdev, pairs, count, pctm, "Text");
/* LNK pdfmark (obsolescent) */
private int
pdfmark_LNK(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ return pdfmark_annot(pdev, pairs, count, pctm, "Link");
/* Save pairs in a string. */
private bool
pdf_key_member(const gs_param_string *pcs, const char **keys)
{ const char **pkey;
for ( pkey = keys; *pkey != 0; ++pkey )
if ( pdf_key_eq(pcs, *pkey) )
return true;
return false;
private int
pdfmark_save_edited_pairs(const gx_device_pdf *pdev,
const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count, const char **skip_keys,
const gs_param_string *add_pairs, uint add_count, gs_string *pstr)
{ uint i, size;
byte *data;
byte *next;
for ( i = 0, size = 0; i < count; i += 2 )
if ( !pdf_key_member(&pairs[i], skip_keys) )
size += pairs[i].size + pairs[i+1].size + 3;
for ( i = 0; i < add_count; i += 2 )
size += add_pairs[i].size + add_pairs[i+1].size + 3;
if ( pstr->data == 0 )
data = gs_alloc_string(pdev->pdf_memory, size, "pdfmark_save_pairs");
data = gs_resize_string(pdev->pdf_memory, pstr->data, pstr->size,
size, "pdfmark_save_pairs");
if ( data == 0 )
next = data;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i += 2 )
if ( !pdf_key_member(&pairs[i], skip_keys) )
{ uint len;
*next++ = '/';
memcpy(next, pairs[i].data, len = pairs[i].size);
next += len;
*next++ = ' ';
memcpy(next, pairs[i+1].data, len = pairs[i+1].size);
next += len;
*next++ = '\n';
for ( i = 0; i < add_count; i += 2 )
{ uint len;
*next++ = '/';
memcpy(next, add_pairs[i].data, len = add_pairs[i].size);
next += len;
*next++ = ' ';
memcpy(next, add_pairs[i+1].data, len = add_pairs[i+1].size);
next += len;
*next++ = '\n';
pstr->data = data;
pstr->size = size;
return 0;
static const char *no_skip_pairs[] = { 0 };
#define pdfmark_save_pairs(pdev, pairs, count, pstr)\
pdfmark_save_edited_pairs(pdev, pairs, count, no_skip_pairs, NULL, 0, pstr)
/* Write out one node of the outline tree. */
private int
pdfmark_write_outline(gx_device_pdf *pdev, pdf_outline_node *pnode,
long next_id)
{ stream *s = pdev->strm;
pdf_close_contents(pdev, false);
pdf_open_obj(pdev, pnode->id);
pputs(s, "<< ");
pdf_write_saved_string(pdev, &pnode->action_string);
if ( pnode->count )
pprintd1(s, "/Count %d ", pnode->count);
pprintld1(s, "/Parent %ld 0 R\n", pnode->parent_id);
if ( pnode->prev_id )
pprintld1(s, "/Prev %ld 0 R\n", pnode->prev_id);
if ( next_id )
pprintld1(s, "/Next %ld 0 R\n", next_id);
if ( pnode->first_id )
pprintld2(s, "/First %ld 0 R /Last %ld 0 R\n",
pnode->first_id, pnode->last_id);
pputs(s, ">>\n");
return 0;
/* Adjust the parent's count when writing an outline node. */
private void
pdfmark_adjust_parent_count(pdf_outline_level *plevel)
{ pdf_outline_level *parent = plevel - 1;
int count = plevel->last.count;
if ( count > 0 )
{ if ( parent->last.count < 0 )
parent->last.count -= count;
parent->last.count += count;
/* Close the current level of the outline tree. */
pdfmark_close_outline(gx_device_pdf *pdev)
{ int depth = pdev->outline_depth;
pdf_outline_level *plevel = &pdev->outline_levels[depth];
int code;
code = pdfmark_write_outline(pdev, &plevel->last, 0);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
if ( depth > 0 )
{ plevel[-1].last.last_id = plevel->last.id;
if ( plevel->last.count < 0 )
return 0;
/* OUT pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_OUT(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ int depth = pdev->outline_depth;
pdf_outline_level *plevel = &pdev->outline_levels[depth];
int sub_count = 0;
uint i;
pdf_outline_node node;
int code;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i += 2 )
{ const gs_param_string *pair = &pairs[i];
if ( pdf_key_eq(pair, "Count") )
sscanf((const char *)pair[1].data, "%d", &sub_count);
if ( sub_count != 0 && depth == max_outline_depth - 1 )
node.action_string.data = 0;
{ static const char *skip_out[] = { "Count", 0 };
code = pdfmark_save_edited_pairs(pdev, pairs, count, skip_out,
NULL, 0, &node.action_string);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
if ( pdev->outlines_id == 0 )
pdev->outlines_id = pdf_obj_ref(pdev);
node.id = pdf_obj_ref(pdev);
node.parent_id =
(depth == 0 ? pdev->outlines_id : plevel[-1].last.id);
node.prev_id = plevel->last.id;
node.first_id = node.last_id = 0;
node.count = sub_count;
/* Add this node to the outline at the current level. */
if ( plevel->first.id == 0 )
{ /* First node at this level. */
if ( depth > 0 )
plevel[-1].last.first_id = node.id;
node.prev_id = 0;
plevel->first = node;
{ /* Write out the previous node. */
if ( depth > 0 )
pdfmark_write_outline(pdev, &plevel->last, node.id);
plevel->last = node;
if ( !pdev->closed_outline_depth )
/* If this node has sub-nodes, descend one level. */
if ( sub_count != 0 )
{ pdev->outline_depth++;
plevel->left = (sub_count > 0 ? sub_count : -sub_count);
plevel->first.id = 0;
if ( sub_count < 0 )
{ while ( (depth = pdev->outline_depth) > 0 &&
pdev->outline_levels[depth].left == 0
return 0;
/* Write an article bead. */
pdfmark_write_article(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const pdf_bead *pbead)
{ stream *s = pdev->strm;
pdf_open_obj(pdev, pbead->id);
"<<\n/T %ld 0 R\n/V %ld 0 R\n/N %ld 0 R\n",
pbead->article_id, pbead->prev_id, pbead->next_id);
pprints1(s, "/Dest %s\n", pbead->dest);
pdfmark_write_rect(s, "R", &pbead->rect);
pputs(s, ">>\n");
return pdf_end_obj(pdev);
/* ARTICLE pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_ARTICLE(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ gs_param_string title;
gs_param_string rectstr;
gs_rect rect;
long bead_id;
pdf_article *part;
int code;
if ( !pdfmark_find_key("Title", pairs, count, &title) ||
!pdfmark_find_key("Rect", pairs, count, &rectstr)
if ( (code = pdfmark_scan_rect(&rect, &rectstr, pctm)) < 0 )
return code;
/****** Should save other keys for Info dictionary ******/
pdf_close_contents(pdev, false);
/* Find the article with this title, or create one. */
bead_id = pdf_obj_ref(pdev);
for ( part = pdev->articles; part != 0; part = part->next )
if ( !bytes_compare(part->title.data, part->title.size,
title.data, title.size) )
if ( part == 0 )
{ /* Create the article. */
stream *s = pdev->strm;
byte *str;
part = gs_alloc_struct(pdev->pdf_memory, pdf_article,
&st_pdf_article, "pdfmark_ARTICLE");
str = gs_alloc_string(pdev->pdf_memory, title.size,
"article title");
if ( part == 0 || str == 0 )
part->next = pdev->articles;
pdev->articles = part;
memcpy(str, title.data, title.size);
part->title.data = str;
part->title.size = title.size;
part->id = pdf_begin_obj(pdev);
part->first.id = part->last.id = 0;
pprintld1(s, "<< /F %ld 0 R >>\n", bead_id);
/* Add the bead to the article. */
/* This is similar to what we do for outline nodes. */
if ( part->last.id == 0 )
{ part->first.next_id = bead_id;
part->last.id = part->first.id;
{ part->last.next_id = bead_id;
pdfmark_write_article(pdev, &part->last);
part->last.prev_id = part->last.id;
part->last.id = bead_id;
part->last.article_id = part->id;
part->last.next_id = 0;
part->last.rect = rect;
pdfmark_make_dest(part->last.dest, pdev, pairs, count);
if ( part->first.id == 0 )
{ /* This is the first bead of the article. */
part->first = part->last;
part->last.id = 0;
return 0;
/* DEST pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_DEST(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ char dest[max_dest_string];
gs_param_string key;
pdf_named_dest *pnd;
byte *str;
if ( !pdfmark_find_key("Dest", pairs, count, &key) ||
!pdfmark_make_dest(dest, pdev, pairs, count)
pnd = gs_alloc_struct(pdev->pdf_memory, pdf_named_dest,
&st_pdf_named_dest, "pdfmark_DEST");
str = gs_alloc_string(pdev->pdf_memory, key.size,
"named_dest key");
if ( pnd == 0 || str == 0 )
pnd->next = pdev->named_dests;
memcpy(str, key.data, key.size);
pnd->key.data = str;
pnd->key.size = key.size;
strcpy(pnd->dest, dest);
pdev->named_dests = pnd;
return 0;
/* Write the contents of pass-through code. */
/* We are inside the stream dictionary. */
private int
pdfmark_write_ps(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *psource)
{ stream *s = pdev->strm;
long length_id = pdf_obj_ref(pdev);
long start_pos, length;
pprintld1(s, " /Length %ld 0 R >> stream\n", length_id);
start_pos = stell(s);
if ( psource->size < 2 || psource->data[0] != '(' ||
psource->data[psource->size - 1] != ')'
lprintf1("bad PS passthrough: %s\n", psource->data);
{ /****** SHOULD REMOVE ESCAPES ******/
pwrite(s, psource->data + 1, psource->size - 2);
pputs(s, "\n");
length = stell(s) - start_pos;
pputs(s, "endstream\n");
pdf_open_obj(pdev, length_id);
pprintld1(s, "%ld\n", length);
return 0;
/* PS pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_PS(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ stream *s = pdev->strm;
gs_param_string source;
gs_param_string level1;
if ( !pdfmark_find_key("DataSource", pairs, count, &source) )
pdfmark_find_key("Level1", pairs, count, &level1);
if ( level1.data == 0 && source.size <= 100 )
{ /* Insert the PostScript code in-line */
int code = pdf_open_contents(pdev, pdf_in_stream);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pwrite(s, source.data, source.size);
pputs(s, " PS\n");
{ /* Put the PostScript code in a resource. */
pdf_resource *pres;
int code = pdf_begin_resource(pdev, resourceXObject, &pres);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pputs(s, " /Subtype /PS");
if ( level1.data != 0 )
{ long level1_id = pdf_obj_ref(pdev);
pprintld1(s, " /Level1 %ld 0 R", level1_id);
pdfmark_write_ps(pdev, &source);
pdf_open_obj(pdev, level1_id);
pputs(s, "<<");
pdfmark_write_ps(pdev, &level1);
pdfmark_write_ps(pdev, &source);
code = pdf_open_contents(pdev, pdf_in_stream);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pprintld1(s, "/R%ld Do\n", pres->id);
return 0;
/* PAGES pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_PAGES(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ return pdfmark_save_pairs(pdev, pairs, count, &pdev->pages_string);
/* PAGE pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_PAGE(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ return pdfmark_save_pairs(pdev, pairs, count, &pdev->page_string);
/* DOCINFO pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_DOCINFO(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ stream *s = pdev->strm;
long info_id;
uint i;
if ( pdev->context != pdf_in_none &&
pdev->next_contents_id == max_contents_ids
pdf_close_contents(pdev, false);
pdf_open_page(pdev, pdf_in_none);
info_id = pdf_begin_obj(pdev);
pputs(s, "<<\n");
for ( i = 0; i < count; i += 2 )
if ( !pdf_key_eq(&pairs[i], "CreationDate") &&
!pdf_key_eq(&pairs[i], "Producer")
pdfmark_write_pair(s, &pairs[i]);
pputs(s, ">>\n");
pdev->info_id = info_id;
return 0;
/* DOCVIEW pdfmark */
private int
pdfmark_DOCVIEW(gx_device_pdf *pdev, const gs_param_string *pairs, uint count,
const gs_matrix *pctm)
{ char dest[max_dest_string];
if ( pdfmark_make_dest(dest, pdev, pairs, count) )
{ gs_param_string add_dest[2];
static const char *skip_dest[] = { "Page", "View", 0 };
param_string_from_string(add_dest[0], "OpenAction");
param_string_from_string(add_dest[1], dest);
return pdfmark_save_edited_pairs(pdev, pairs, count, skip_dest,
add_dest, 2,
return pdfmark_save_pairs(pdev, pairs, count, &pdev->catalog_string);